Signs of a Commercial Roof Leak

Keeping Your Tenants and Employees Dry

When it comes to property management strategies, all commercial building owners have their differences. One thing most can agree on, however, is that letting their tenants, staff or stock get soaked each time it rains is a pretty poor business plan.

Leaks are generally harder to fix after they’ve grown to noticeable proportions, so your best bet is to take a proactive stance by detecting leaks before they become too serious. According to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, many types of leaks result in visible changes to a roof’s structure. Here are a few signs to watch out for.


Your commercial roofing is supposed to be relatively flat. If it appears to have blistered or boiled up in some places, it may be due to captured moisture. When leaks let water in, it can cause local deformations in spots that subsequently become raised.

Some blisters may also be the result of gases escaping insulation and becoming trapped beneath upper membrane layers. Due to the ambiguous nature of these signs, it’s important to diagnose them as soon as possible. Professionals can get to the heart of the problem by creating small cuts or performing moisture surveys, but prompt action is essential.

Flashing Damage

The metal strips around the edges and corners of your roof are known as flashing. Flashing serves as a permanent cover that prevents water and debris from getting under roof layers via sections that would otherwise be exposed. If you see missing or bent flashing, your roof is at high risk of leaks and premature material wear.


Standing water, puddles and constantly-soaked building structures are some of the most obvious signs of leaks. While you don’t necessarily need to fret about water that gathers during storms, you should probably be concerned if your roof still looks like a pond days after the last rainfall.

Even though not all water accumulation means you have roof leaks, it’s generally not good to leave liquid sitting around for a long time. Persistent moisture can exacerbate any existing roof problems and gradually penetrate building materials that weren’t designed to be submerged for prolonged periods.

Trust Your Eyes

Although soliciting a professional inspection is the only way to know for sure if a building is leaking, taking a good look at your roof might clue you in on whether you require assistance at all.

For more insights on what you’re seeing, get in touch with Preferred Inc. today.

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