When you really look at the details, every well-executed industrial painting project is a big job. That’s just one more reason why you should never settle for less than the best when your factory needs painting. There’s simply too much to leave any of it to chance.

Luckily, there’s a solution: No matter how big your project is or what it entails, Preferred Inc. Fort Wayne is here to help. From the first time you contact us until the day your post-project maintenance plan is in place, we provide quality and transparency you can count on.


First and foremost, you’re the only one who can decide what your project priorities are. Your first goal should be to figure out what’s most important in your case. Use that information to guide you in creating a detailed Statement of Work so you can attract qualified contractors.


Industrial painting projects tend to be expensive. That means they attract a wide range of bidders, from experienced experts to industry newcomers. They’ll all be vying for your business, so it’s critical to know what qualifications to look for and what questions to ask.


Making sure your worksite is properly set up can trim weeks or even months off your project timeline. Make areas and surfaces accessible, move equipment, and identify potential hazards. Lockout-tagout dangerous machinery and make water lines (and sometimes electric) available.


You set the pace when it comes to communication, but more is better. At the outset, be sure your team knows about the painting project and how it affects their workflow. As the project progresses, expect regular updates from your contractor. Be sure to check on work occasionally.


It’s not over until it’s over. Even when everyone is doing their best, a final audit of the project is essential. Double-checking means any last-minute issues will get resolved fast. Implementing maintenance best practices afterward will keep your paint job looking fresh far longer.

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